
Ethical Technology: A Personal Opinion

Stay on social media for any length of time, and you’re going to come across this opinion sooner or later: the world was better and kinder without all of this technology and the internet. There’s no demographic it tends to stick to, no sort of person it attracts above all others. Some people just think […]
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Nike Case Study

In 2020, when most companies were busy looking at how to cut costs, Nike decided it was the perfect time to invest in digital, and to branch out of retail stores and into apps. Since then, they’ve reported over 5% fiscal growth and a 19% increase in digital revenue. In the year that they launched […]
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Failure, or what failure teaches you about success

There is going to be a point in your life where you’ll make something useless. It’ll take you the same amount of time, planning, and creativity as making something good, only when you try and run it, it’s going to fail – and that’s okay. That’s great. The lessons you learn from failure are lessons you […]
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5 Real Life AR Applications in Retail

Do you remember the EyeToy? It’s still being made today, but back when it first came out in 2003, it had only sold two million units – significantly less than the 69 million units the platform it was made for, Playstation 2, sold in the same year. The EyeToy was designed to work with specific […]
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Humans of Tepia: Fahad

You’ve met Dustin, and Trisha, two of our premier project managers. This week, we want to introduce you to Fahad, an up-and-coming Tepia worker who joined through our team recently and made his way into an indispensable part of the company. Here’s Fahad, in his own words. 1. What’s your earliest tech memory? My earliest […]
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Everything in Moderation: Tech Tools for your Mental Health

Too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing – and that doesn’t just mean gorging on funnel cakes at the OC Fair. Tech, for all of the positive traits it gives us, can get overwhelming, and it can get overwhelming fast. Ongoing studies have shown that there is a direct link between overusing tech and […]
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What do you really need to start a business?

There’s a big blind spot when it comes to building apps. A lot of people have the idea that all you need to start a business, especially one based on an app, is the app itself. The reality is a little different. Here’s our CEO and Founder, Abe, talking about what it takes to start […]
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5 Apps that Help Your Health – and You

One of the things that the pandemic really shed a light on is how much we rely on in-person visits to the doctor whenever we feel sick, and when those visits were forbidden because of the pandemic, a lot of people struggled. Something as benign as the flu or a hangover feels like a much […]
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7 Excellent Apps for Personal Safety

When it comes to personal safety, taking precautions is important: don’t walk alone in dark areas at night, always let someone know where you’re going, stay aware of your surroundings – all of these are great habits to develop and build on and they could save your life. For everything else, there’s smartphones. Sure, we […]
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First Movers: Apps that Changed the World

Star Trek got one thing especially right about cell phones: we don’t know where we’d be without them. Cell phones changed the course of human history, and not just because they made it easier to connect to people. The first cell phone came out in 1973, and since then, we’ve come full circle to having some […]
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