
Trends in IoT and Mobile Apps

By May 2023, the number of global IoT connections had increased by 18% to 14.3 billion endpoints – that’s a lot of connected devices, and a lot of room for innovation. Furthermore, we’re looking at the likelihood that by 2027, it’s possible that the amount of connected devices will nearly double, adding thousands of new […]
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How Retailers can Engage Audiences with Apps

As of 2022, about 20% of global sales happen online: not bad for something that’s only been around since 1982. Amazon and eBay’s launch in 1995 has definitely helped entrench e-commerce as a part of modern life, but there’s a little more to why it persists so much in the modern day, and it’s got a lot […]
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Fixture Care Case Study: An App for Healthcare Facilities

Let’s say you own a business. Make it whatever you want: tech, food, beauty, clothes. The important thing is that you own a business, and you’ve outsourced some of your necessary needs to other companies – you found a company to market, a company to build your website, and a company to create an app […]
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App Engagement Strategies for Content Creators

There’s a lot of content out there, and like families flocking to the beach at the height of the afternoon, more just keeps getting added. If you’re a regular person on the internet, you know the drill already: there’s no way to keep up with everything that’s posted online, so your attention span will naturally […]
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How the Nike Ecosystem Generates Value

Did you know Nike’s digital sector accounts for 27% of its overall sales, almost triple what they started out with in 2019? When you put it into figures, it comes out looking a little bit like magic. It’s not magic: it’s a good app ecosystem that keeps delivering value to its customers, and therefore, keeps them pretty […]
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4 Ways to Create Customer Loyalty through a Mobile App

Do you have an app? Are you getting the most value out of it? Let’s face it: if you’re running a small business and you’ve got a tie-in app, you’re probably already in a really strong position to build some unshakeable customer loyalty: the kind of loyalty that’ll keep your business going even if you […]
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Top 15 Tech Tools For Youtubers

As a Youtuber, the more you grow your audience, the better your chances of monetizing your brand, setting up a lasting career, and creating new opportunities for yourself – but with great YouTube opportunities come great considerations. Social media moves fast, and staying relevant online is a full time job, not to mention filming, editing, […]
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First Party Data and Apps

The internet is huge. Let’s put it into numbers. As of January 2023, there are 5.6 billion internet users worldwide, so roughly 65% of the world. Out of this, 59% of them are on social media – and as more and more of our lives become wrapped around the possibilities of what the internet can give us, […]
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Why You Need An App As A YouTuber

Imagine you’re a Youtuber with a pretty decent following. Now imagine you lost that following. Influencers on any social media platform have to rely on that platform for support. Whether it’s followers on Twitter, fans on Instagram, or loyal Tiktok audiences, the way that platform works is intrinsic to any kind of success you might […]
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What You Need to Know about App Security Laws

There’s a lot of customer information out there, and if you have an app, you know exactly how much of that information is available for access. From dates of birth to real names and addresses, apps take on a lot of data to work the way they’re intended, and that’s kind of the point: for […]
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