
Psych2Go Case Study: An App for YouTubers

If you make content for a living – blogs, photographs, videos, tutorials – there’s something that you’re going to struggle with, no matter how much care goes into the content you make. And that’s owning the audience that you cultivate. When you create content on a social media platform, that platform will own the information […]
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Human of Tepia | Brianna

It’s been a minute since we’ve written about one of our team members, and we wanted to fix that. For our first Humans of Tepia for 2023, here’s Brianna, a dedicated project manager with a lot of personal experience in software development that really bridges the gap between what clients want and what’s possible. What’s […]
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Walmart and IoT: A Case Study

With tech, there is always going to be room for improvement. The same limitations that affected your app a while back aren’t going to be there forever, and realising when, and how, to change and adapt is one of the most important things you can learn well and learn early. Technology doesn’t stop changing, adapting, […]
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App Breakdown: Pinterest

Almost every big company has an app to go with their product, regardless of what that company actually does. From social media to retail to direct-to-consumer purchases, apps provide a lot of valuable information for consumers and the company alike: for consumers, they can act as a retail, information, and idea generation platform. For companies, […]
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How CES 2023 Will Change Tech For the Future

You can tell a lot about the future by the technology that you see in the present. Okay, maybe we don’t have the flying cars or autonomous driving vehicles yet – and maybe we’ll need a little more time to see the metaverse come to life or to see the next phase of communication as […]
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App trends for 2023

Technology is built around people, and people change. Not in big ways, or even in ways that are immediately noticeable, but if we look at technology from earlier on in the century and technology today, we’re going to see a big difference in the kind of stuff that makes it to the market. Think of […]
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4 Best Energy Saving Apps to Save Money

We live in the most technologically advanced and supported period in history – and there’s a lot of good that comes out of that territory. Sure: technology can have its downsides, and we’re the first to admit that technology should be created, used, and made only to serve a better and easier life. Some stuff […]
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App Store Evolution: Google Play

As of last month, Google Play has been around for fourteen years. It wasn’t known as Google Play at the start: it was Android Market, a digital distribution service for applications created to work on Android, and it sold everything from ebooks to music, subsuming three of Google’s most popular products – the Android Market […]
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App Store Evolution: Apple

Software development wouldn’t be where it is today without the app stores. What started out as a way of collating every downloadable app for a platform into one space has become a tool that influences the way apps are built. While you don’t have to release an app on either platform to write an app, […]
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App Store Optimization: Launch Checklist

There are many steps in developing an app pre-launch strategy, with organic app marketing being just one of many moving parts. From studying market trends, ensuring your in-app experience flows smoothly, to establishing your tone of voice throughout all channels, launching an app is no walk in the park. Below you’ll find a few recommendations […]
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