
5 Apps for People with Disabilities

Tech should be for everyone. As of 2022, there are over 61 million adults in the United States living with a disability, or around one in every four people, and software on the market has to reflect them too. From the way you design your app to the way that your app works, there’s different […]
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The Tepia Manifesto

One of the reasons Tepia was founded was because we wanted to break away from the purely profit-motivated attitude that Silicon Valley seems overridden by. We wanted to make technology human again, and while it hasn’t been the easiest journey, it’s been an extremely fulfilling one. Our clarity of purpose has always been present in […]
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First Party Data For Small Businesses

86% of consumers worry about the amount of data that businesses hold on them – and as people who work in tech, it’s a worry that’s only going to keep growing as more companies gain access to the kind of third-party data networks that bigger corporations pay for. Some companies are now pivoting towards first-party data, […]
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Tech Solutions for Small Churches

Software is our thing – so believe us when we say we know it can get expensive, especially if you’re just starting out and you’re not sure what direction you want to go to; add that to the reality that most small businesses can struggle to come up with the money for custom software right […]
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Humans of Tepia: Trisha

Last time, we introduced you to Dustin: our project manager, in his own words. Now it’s time to meet Trisha, another of our project managers, in her own words. Trisha actually worked her way up through the company: she joined, initially, as an admin assistant, keeping the paperwork side of things moving, and now she […]
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Church Technologies: Reaching People Better

As of 2020, the National Congregation Study Survey has estimated there’s around 380,000 churches operating in the United States. We estimate that less than 1% of those churches make use of any kind of technology. It’s understandable. People still tend to put churches and technology into two completely separate categories, like pineapple and pizza, or […]
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When is Custom Software Necessary?

There is probably software out there for pretty much every widespread application in the world. With countless engineers, developers, and computer geeks working to make technology do things it’s never done before, the chances of not finding software to do exactly what you want are slim – but they’re never zero. Sometimes, you need software that hasn’t been invented […]
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Free business idea: Smart Sprinkler

You can do a lot with smart products, and making your life easier should be at the top. Internet of Things devices are one of the better products you can invest in to do just that. Every internet of things device can be connected to and controlled by a smartphone app, and its behaviour can […]
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A Brief Guide to the Internet of Things

We’re big fans of smart products in the right situations. The internet of things industry is huge: in our last blog, we said that it’s projected to grow to 50 billion units by the end of 2030, and to expand even more as the idea of a completely connected house grows. We’re looking at a future […]
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