The 15-Second Rule for: Apps
Let’s talk numbers.
There are over five million apps available on iOS and Android.
The average person will use 9 of those per week, and around 30 per month. If they have over 80 apps on their device, over 62% of them will not be used, which opens up an interesting question: how do you make sure that your app – the one you poured your blood, sweat, and tears into – makes it into the top 30, and then into the top 9?
The 15 second rule.
When it comes to apps, speed is the name of the game. If your app struggles to load up in the time it takes to repeat your order at the Nice Guys drive-thru, the people using it might decide to go for an app that loads faster and better. Whether or not your app is more useful to them falls second to the time it takes to load up and to work.
However, there’s a bright side.
Making an app speedy doesn’t mean you have to scrap what you have and start over. And it doesn’t mean you have to go minimalist or take out any really cool animations or design elements you have.
And it especially doesn’t mean you should make your app less detailed.
Apps are business gold. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: a good app, detailed and beautiful and efficient, builds a connection between a company and its audience that goes far deeper than a web-page or a social media account might be able to establish.

As few clicks as possible.

Keep your splash screen minimal.

Optimise all your images.

Release regular updates.

Test libraries frequently.

Compress app data.